Month: May 2018

The Gate of Horn beta branch

Hello all. We’ve been updating the game at a furious pace, but from here on in, the pace of updates on the main Steam branch will slow right down. From 31st May, Cultist Simulator will be in full release, and we will want to keep the build stable. BUT! if you like life in the […]

Written by on May 23, 2018

May #1: JAMES

Cultist Simulator launches in…Countdown ??????????????????????????????????? So… that’s a thing. We’ve been working hard, trying to get CS in as sparkly a place as possible while stopping ourselves from going respectively insane. There was a certain amount of …some rousing speeches… …and a healthy dose of… …but SwearTrek (the above, all courtesy of), our community and […]

Written by on May 18, 2018


In the run-up to the Cultist Simulator launch on 31st May, we’re posting all of Sarah Gordon’s lovely Hours Tarot, including several that haven’t been seen before, on the Weather Factory Twitter account. Here’s some behind-the-scenes on how we got to the Crowned Growth, one of the two horriblest ones to date. Sarah: This one […]

Written by on May 17, 2018


Today we release our final major build prior to launch: the HARBINGER’S BUILD. This doesn’t contain entirely new content, but steady improvements to the content we already have. Scroll down for full patch notes! I have one thing to flag! We’ve received a lot of feedback in the last month or so that the early […]

Written by on May 7, 2018

April #2: IRENE

HAPPY LAUNCH MONTH, EVERYONE! Cultist Simulator launches in…Countdown Over the last two weeks, we sent out our second newsletter, jazzed up our subreddit and started planning our definitely not ill-advised launch party for the 31st (we’ll be livestreaming the actual Pushing of the Button on, and we’d love you to come freak out with […]

Written by on May 4, 2018