Category: Personal

26th August 2022
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“Shutter the windows against the sea…”

BOOK OF HOURS has a prototype, a release window and a shiny new face.

17th June 2022
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You’ve read exposés of games studios before. But there’s never been anything quite like this:

17th June 2022
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No Bad Apples

My employment tribunal against Failbetter Games, who’ve tried their very hardest to kill my career.

1st October 2021
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Why the Unterzee eats ships

The sea frightens me. I know I’m not alone in this.

26th July 2021
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‘The Rarer Action’

An update on the controversy of 2019, and an open letter to Failbetter Games.

10th May 2021
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Living with depression that isn’t yours

Loving someone with depression is a common experience. Talking about it isn’t. Here’s what I’ve learned from loving a depressive partner – it may sound familiar to you.

19th June 2020
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I’d like to share my story in support for #stopcyberbullyingday. Here’s what happened to me.

16th September 2019
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What Actually Happened

My name’s Alexis Kennedy. With my fiancée, Lottie Bevan, I run a very small game development studio out of our London flat. I used to own and run another studio, Failbetter Games, which was a little bigger (about half a dozen employees for most of my time there, ballooning to seventeen by the time I left in 2016) but was also generally indie and cash-strapped. We’ve...

16th September 2019
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Blood Sport: Cancel Culture from the Other Side

We are wasting our energy with cancel culture. It doesn’t solve our problem. It doesn’t make things better. It eats up our time and our empathy and hurts people, lots of people, and pretends it’s doing something good. We need structure and accountability and justice to make this industry a better place for women. Structure, accountability and justice are all things cancel culture’s left behind.

21st June 2019
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I don’t hate social media…

Social media has now become a vital organ in promoting video games. It’s top of the list of what you need to set up, keep active and learn how to properly use. I appreciate its value, I love the variety of content, the way it can help people and I enjoyed every Game of Thrones Season 8 meme more than most of the episodes. We are...

7th June 2019
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A month full of pride

Finally, I hope you can find time to spare some empathy for me as I fully intend to send myself into a diabetic coma inhaling all the rainbow themed food I can get my hands on! I’M COMING HOME LAWD!

24th May 2019
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Cultist Capping: The True Power of a Leader

With that, you’ve all learned some valuable lessons about what truly matters when you endeavour to form and lead a cult. You don’t need to thank us!

10th May 2019
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Queen Meadhbh: She wants your cows!

Meadhbh didn’t just want to be Queen, she wanted to be wholly equal and that also meant in terms of wealth.

9th April 2019
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The OG Hound: Cú Chulainn

There’s been many comic books and other adaptations of Cú Chullain over the years and he’s appeared as a random character in games such as Smite. I’ve no idea if any of this history will cross over to Fate/EXTELLA, though I suspect not. But it’s still cool to see more games take inspiration from Irish Lore, so good on ya Marvelous Games.

15th February 2019
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Irish Introductions: The Sassy Legend of St. Brigid’s Cloak

Oh hi there folks, I’m interrupting your usual blog broadcast from Lottie and Alexis to introduce myself. I’m Claire and I support the Marketing and PR for Weather Factory and have been slowly using techniques I learned off the telly, to convince Sulo and Chi to run away with me.

10th August 2018
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August #1: Porphyria

Aaaaanyway, next sprint we may have some more Cultist-specific updates for you. But I already have two draft posts lined up for posting next week, so… stay tuned. 😀

26th March 2018
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Groovy Droogs Consortium, a.k.a. March #2 FORSTER

Anyway, next up is the Explorer’s Build, due out on Monday 9th April. That’ll contain a host of new locations to explore, hazards to overcome (or, you know, be horribly defeated by), an avalanche of new tomes and manuscripts, and perhaps – just perhaps – a well-oiled door to the House itself… Stay tuned!

24th January 2018
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An Unacknowledged Debt: Le Guin

I read A Wizard of Earthsea when I was seven, and then I re-read it when I was, I don’t know, eleven? and I still remember how I could not get through one page without it feeling familiar, because every page has something that leaves a mark.
