Month: June 2020


Marinell – Sir Marinell, to you – is a knight of the sea whose nervous nymph-mother Cymoent misinterpreted a prophesy that he would be mortally wounded by a maiden. She thus teaches him that LOVE is BAD and he is NOT TO PLAY WITH LADIES.

Written by on June 26, 2020


I’ve been dealing with personal and professional attacks via the internet for the better part of the last year. In that time, I’ve seen at least three people take their lives because of bullying on social media. Here’s what happened to me.

Written by on June 19, 2020


The wind is whistling outside like a vengance of ghosts; the dull horizon meets a duller sky with a cold, grey kiss of Thames; a lone, heroic birb hunkers stoically in the crevasse we call our balcony. Ah, June.

Written by on June 12, 2020