Month: June 2022

Reverend Timothy Speaks, Part One

“BOOKS ARE THE MEMORY THAT DOES NOT DIE.” – Inscription above the door of Hush House As Lottie and I work on BOOK OF HOURS, we’ve become better acquainted with the long and layered history of Hush House, the library where the game takes place. Lottie’s worked on recapturing the House’s look and feel over […]

Written by on June 29, 2022

Slouching Tiger, Missing Dragon

I wrote the article below for Wireframe, a British game dev magazine which ‘lifts the lid on video games’. And, inexplicably, lets me have a monthly column. A grumpy Russian model found himself ‘trapped in a 21st-century Kafkaesque nightmare’ as he reluctantly sang, danced and pouted his way to viral popularity on Chinese social media. […]

Written by on June 20, 2022


You’ve read exposés of games studios before. But in the whole history of the games industry, there’s never been anything quite like this: almost a hundred pages of evidence compiled from dozens of sources – evidence of harassment, deceit, bullying, intimidation, and spite. The guilty parties are the execs at Failbetter Games, the studio which […]

Written by on June 17, 2022

No Bad Apples

“At Failbetter, there are no bad apples.” Narrative Director Chris Gardiner said these words to me over a plate of sushi in 2017. It was our one and only lunch together – Failbetter’s content team didn’t particularly get on with Failbetter’s production department, for reasons anyone who’s ever worked in games can imagine. But Chris, […]

Written by on June 17, 2022

WAS: ‘Failgate’

This was a post with more details about our dispute with Failbetter – the company I founded, that I later left on very good terms, and that I eventually got into a nasty beef with. But the beef was resolved amicably in 2023; and besides, now that I reread the original post, I’m embarrassed by […]

Written by on June 16, 2022

Tabriz, January 1866: My dear nephew –

      Tabriz January 1866 My dear nephew What a surprise and a pleasant one to hear from you. My warmest congratulations and wishes to your new wife, except that it is a year since the date of your letter and so I suppose no longer new. I hope indeed by now you are […]

Written by on June 6, 2022

The Locksmith’s Dream tickets available now!

(Website issues now fixed! The Locksmith’s Dream is BACK OPEN FOR BUSINESS.) “Secret gods live beneath the skin of the world. Five of them meet every year to exchange secrets and agree particular notes of history. Their conversations aren’t for our ears, but even after they’ve gone, their gossip still troubles the earth; the air […]

Written by on June 6, 2022