Month: February 2018

The Adept’s Build: Hot Fixings

We’ve put three hotfixes live in the Adept’s Build since yesterday! Here’s what’s been hotly fixed: It is no longer possible for a detective to arrest you while he’s locked in your cupboard. premature ascension no longer occurs (it’s safe to use Notions with rites) major fix to how research works to make it more […]

Written by on February 27, 2018


Ladies and gents, Hinter and Percussigants, Templars Unceasing and Wildwood peers: the Adept’s Build is HERE! This is a big milestone for Cultist Simulator, as it brings us to around the 60% Of The Game Is Basically Done mark (a very good place to be). We gave some details of what’s in the Adept’s Build […]

Written by on February 26, 2018

February #2: DERONDA

Game dev is a motley crew of specialists concentrating on their Particular Thing in the general direction of a final product. Early development often feels disjointed, like you’re piecing together the skeleton of a creature you’ve never seen before. When you get far enough into production, there’s (hopefully!) a coalescent moment where it all suddenly […]

Written by on February 23, 2018

Cultist Simulator Pre-Sales: Why, What, and How Much

Lottie and I are both open production enthusiasts – I did a talk on it at GDC a couple of years ago, and as a reminder, here’s our roadmap. So this is a post about the strategy we’ve taken at Weather Factory with making Cultist Simulator available for full release, and how it’s worked out. […]

Written by on February 20, 2018

February #1: COLLINS

OH MY GOD HOW ARE WE IN THE MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY ALREADY Actually this is fine. Because oh boy do we have a lot of fingers in a lot of pies. In fact it’s quite disgusting really we are basically a Red Grail Ratatouille and we should be stopped. Firstly, we found out this sprint […]

Written by on February 9, 2018