Month: September 2017

Ask Me Everything

I’m back from Birmingham, by way of Warsaw. I’m going to obey the traditions of my ancestors and hold an AMA now, as the Kickstarter burgeons towards its final hours. Please drop by on Friday 29th Sept 2017 at 7pm UK time, 2pm Eastern time, midnight Vostok Station Antarctic Time. Here I am. [Edited to […]

Written by on September 28, 2017

The Accumulation of Oracles

From the £150 Kickstarter reward level for Cultist Simulator: “I will answer one question about the lore of any game I’ve worked on, including this one, as long as it’s not NDA-protected. The question must be asked on or before March 21st, 2021.” From the FAQ: If I purchase an Answer at Prophet level or […]

Written by on September 18, 2017

“Fucine was spoken in the dry country. It is the language of witches. It shares words with High Aeolic.”

Addendum excised from Sir William Colt Hoare’s Hints to Travellers in Italy, 1815. MARRUVIUM was the chief city of the Marruvii, a mountain people who rebelled many times against Rome. The city was established as a colony after their final pacification. Today it is a little provincial town, San Benedetto dei Marsi, which has not much to […]

Written by on September 15, 2017

Blood, Roads, Memory

A backer messaged me with a bunch of good questions, so I thought I’d share the answers more widely. “Will there be direct combat (or at least as direct one can be against eldritch antediluvian evil)? If not weapons against enemy cultists and authorities, perhaps rituals and rites to battle and defend against horrors?” Not combat […]

Written by on September 12, 2017

Dankmeme Swamp and its Discontents

Jay Wigglesworth Jensen writes: “I was interested in your name tier for Cultist Simulator. However, I’m concerned about whether or not you’d find my name suitable- it’s Jay Wigglesworth Jensen, and me backing on that tier is, honestly, contingent on getting my middle name in. Would that be acceptable?” The ‘name tier’ is the one that Kickstarters often have: “Your name, or […]

Written by on September 11, 2017

The Juniper and the Crown

Most everyone who cares knows, but I thought I should recognise it formally here: Cultist Simulator was funded in a smidge over twelve hours. This is a lot better than I expected. Almost 40% of the pledges so far have come from a mailshot to my old Failbetter fanbase, and I want to publicly thank […]

Written by on September 2, 2017


The Kickstarter for Cultist Simulator is live. More than that, it’s alive. Five minutes,  thirty-five backers, past the 1k mark already! It’s a good feeling to see so many familiar names popping up. Hello there. And thank you!!

Written by on September 1, 2017