Author: Lottie Bevan
I will leave you with the only assets I can reasonably share without revealing TOO MUCH:
In the meantime, we’ve a jazzy 25% sale off on Cultist across Steam, Humble and GOG, and those new Apostle Legacies are waiting for ya whenever you feel a surge of masochism coming on. As ever, sales tend to punch our reviews in the face, so if you have an inkling of joy in your heart for the Wood, the House and the Dawn…
MERRY CHRIMBLETIDE, BELIEVERS! This is your final culty stop before 2019, the year in which the original Blade Runner was set. Where the HECK are my neo-noir Rachael outfits, eh? Or at least the triumphant return of shoulder pads?!
I’m off to run this month’s Coven Club, so wish me luck in a room full of nice ladydevs with cake and prosecco. ‘Til next time!
If you’re an indie and have questions about setting up your own store, ping me in the comments here, or on Twitter. And of course, if you ain’t bought it yet…
Happy not really anything month, everyone! We’ve had a v busy sprint (the most important part being I met Stacey Dooley at the BAFTA Breakthrough Brits party, obvs), so let’s get down to it.
We took a much needed few days off in the first week, where we went to Bristol and bumbled around in bright brisk autumn days looking at bridges at eating too much. On our return, I started work on a Church of Merch postmortem, and with the help of our translator Pavel got stuck back into localisation:
Thanks for being such a wonderful, wonderful community, believers. I’m so proud of y’all being so smart and nice and interesting and we both love you v much. ‘Til next time. ♥
September #2: SHELLEY
I’ll write a postmortem of our merch experience later down the line for other indies interested in starting their own shop, but the TLDR so far has been:
September #1: ROSSETTI
MAYBE A PUBLIC ALPHA OF BOOK OF HOURS?! Also, our August newsletter goes out.
QUIZ: which cult are you?
We’ve taken steps to address this. Click on the image below for a much biiiiiiiiiigger version, and scientifically work out the cult that most suits you.
Cultist Simulator giveaway for Lovecraftday!
Gosh darnit, you know, I do. We’re sharing our giveaway on our official Twitter, Facebook and Instagram pages, but this promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by and/or associated with any of those companies. Phew!
August #1: Porphyria
Aaaaanyway, next sprint we may have some more Cultist-specific updates for you. But I already have two draft posts lined up for posting next week, so… stay tuned. 😀
Cultist Simulator’s post-launch roadmap
HEY EVERYONE DID YOU MISS US? We’ve borbled about in post-launch for a bit, and are now back on a schedule. This means you can expect to see fortnightly blog posts from us again, and can follow development along with our roadmap below. Woo-hoo!
Cultist Simulator: the retrospective
Oh, and if you haven’t already… getchyo hands on the game below! 😀