Category: Weather Factory
MERRY CHRIMBLETIDE, BELIEVERS! This is your final culty stop before 2019, the year in which the original Blade Runner was set. Where the HECK are my neo-noir Rachael outfits, eh? Or at least the triumphant return of shoulder pads?!
I’m off to run this month’s Coven Club, so wish me luck in a room full of nice ladydevs with cake and prosecco. ‘Til next time!
If you’re an indie and have questions about setting up your own store, ping me in the comments here, or on Twitter. And of course, if you ain’t bought it yet…
Happy not really anything month, everyone! We’ve had a v busy sprint (the most important part being I met Stacey Dooley at the BAFTA Breakthrough Brits party, obvs), so let’s get down to it.
Thanks for being such a wonderful, wonderful community, believers. I’m so proud of y’all being so smart and nice and interesting and we both love you v much. ‘Til next time. ♥
September #1: ROSSETTI
MAYBE A PUBLIC ALPHA OF BOOK OF HOURS?! Also, our August newsletter goes out.
August #1: Porphyria
Aaaaanyway, next sprint we may have some more Cultist-specific updates for you. But I already have two draft posts lined up for posting next week, so… stay tuned. 😀
Cultist Simulator: the retrospective
Oh, and if you haven’t already… getchyo hands on the game below! 😀
April #1: HOPKINS
Anyway, next sprint should be slightly less bonkers, so we hope to actually get some work done. Well, some more work than multiple daily patches and new art and important marketing events and oh you know. This and that.
This sprint’s title comes from my favourite literary lady, Gwendolen Harleth in George Eliot’s Daniel Deronda. That’s a lot of names to open this blog with, but we did a lot of things, sooooo…
Groovy Droogs Consortium, a.k.a. March #2 FORSTER
Anyway, next up is the Explorer’s Build, due out on Monday 9th April. That’ll contain a host of new locations to explore, hazards to overcome (or, you know, be horribly defeated by), an avalanche of new tomes and manuscripts, and perhaps – just perhaps – a well-oiled door to the House itself… Stay tuned!
AN ANNOUNCE! Cultist Simulator x Humble Bundle
In case you haven’t heard: we’ve signed a publishing deal with Humble Bundle, who are best know for being indie, ethical and delightful! This is our aspiration, too.
The Thing on the Doorstep
Greetings, everyone! I wanted to introduce myself, as I’m the new co-founder of Weather Factory.
Why you should back the AdventureX Kickstarter
Oh, man, I love starting blog posts with a bit of arrant poncery. Buckle up. This is the opening to an Isaiah Berlin essay. (I originally wrote ‘an Irving Berling essay’, but fortunately corrected it before I exposed myself to lasting Internet ridicule.)