I thought you’d never ask! Get Cultist Simulator on either of these two dandy mobile stores.
Hesselius, as of course you all know, is a central character in Sheridan Le Fanu’s Gothic short story ‘Green Tea’, on which I once based an excellent (and tokophobic) Call of Cthulhu TRPG. With print-outs and Japanese telephone recordings and everything. And now that you’ve received eight times your daily dose of nerdery, on to this sprint’s news.
The OG Hound: Cú Chulainn
There’s been many comic books and other adaptations of Cú Chullain over the years and he’s appeared as a random character in games such as Smite. I’ve no idea if any of this history will cross over to Fate/EXTELLA, though I suspect not. But it’s still cool to see more games take inspiration from Irish Lore, so good on ya Marvelous Games.
Anyway, life should return to normal development next sprint, so watch out for in-progress assets, some news on our future projects PERHAPS, and a host of other gothic things. We are er on a BFI panel and going to Latvia for a conference but APART from that of course, we’re 100% back on devving…
The Busiest Week of Our God Damned Lives
We haven’t posted for a bit, and I don’t think Lottie is going to manage a sprint update this week unless she works over the weekend which she definitely ain’t doing, so I wanted to talk about what’s been happening. It’s a lot.
Splash Damage – Women in Games Event
Thank you again Splash Damage for hosting this and for the million bottles of prosecco. BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE PROSECCO!
Marketing Hot take: The value of community.
The merits of community to the success of any art project – especially in the indie space – are obvious. This post is meant for anyone that would like some general insight into what I believe are the intentions needed when creating a community for your game. I apologise in advance for how many times I say “community”. I’d replace that with “cults” but we don’t...
Next sprint’s a bit of a squib for Alexis and myself, who are off to GDC for a week of dev talks, dev meets and definitely no alcohol whatsoever. Claire will be holding down the fort in our absence so ALL OF YOU BEHAVE YOURSELVES. ‘Til next time!
The Interactivity of Reading
The primary form of interactivity while reading is in the mind digesting the text of a book. Actually taking the words on the page and converting them into a full cohesive story in the reader’s mind is an interactive activity. It requires effort from the player and is even a developable skill.
NOW HIRING: UI-Focused Unity Developer [Applications now closed]
Weather Factory is an indie studio founded in 2017 by Lottie Bevan and Alexis Kennedy (creator of Fallen London and Sunless Sea) to make experimental narrative games, and joined recently by Claire Sharkey of Sharkbit. Our first project, Cultist Simulator, exceeded all our expectations, and we’re growing the studio.
Here’s the good news. This blog post really does contain one weird trick. The bad news: it isn’t a reliable list of steps you can follow, or a career track with an exam you can do, or the email address of someone who wants to hire you. Those things don’t exist. Games writing is a very competitive career. More on what that phrase, ‘competitive career’, actually...
These’ll come out at the same time at the end of May, as part of our ‘Cultist Simulator Is One Year Old OMG UWU’ celebrations. Perpetual Edition owners will, of course, get both DLCs for free, and we’ll post more details about the Legacies as we get through ’em.
Enigma: what it is, what it isn’t
This is an unusually straightforward post on a subject I am usually very coy about. Please feel free to link to it if you ever think anyone will find it useful.
Irish Introductions: The Sassy Legend of St. Brigid’s Cloak
Oh hi there folks, I’m interrupting your usual blog broadcast from Lottie and Alexis to introduce myself. I’m Claire and I support the Marketing and PR for Weather Factory and have been slowly using techniques I learned off the telly, to convince Sulo and Chi to run away with me.
I will leave you with the only assets I can reasonably share without revealing TOO MUCH: