Hullo, hullo! The wind is whistling outside like a vengance of ghosts; the dull horizon meets a duller sky with a cold, grey kiss of Thames; a lone, heroic birb hunkers stoically in the crevasse we call our balcony.
Cultist Simulator’s third anniversary! We announced The Lady Afterwards, our Cultist Simulator TRPG, Against Worldbuilding, Alexis’s game design book, and named the Lucid Tarot. Also, May newsletter goes out.
Hope you’re hanging in there, everyone! I come with good tidings.
German and Japanese launch on mobile on Tues 27th April! And in BoH land, furniture! And our May newsletter and Skeleton Songs ep 4.
How I Got Into Games, Part 1: Echo Bazaar
I get asked a lot how I got into games. I always feel unhelpful when I tell my story, because it’s such an unconventional and such an unrecommendable one.
April #1: THE HERMIT
Hush House begins to LIVE. Also, we announced a new tarot deck: a stained-glass, see-through PVC deck.
Hey, Believers! Hope you’re all doing okay in lockdown. It’s not fun, is it?
Coronavirus update: charity + tarot
Sooooo. Everyone really likes tarot decks.
Here’s some new Exile art to make all that production more palatable. Can you figure the DLC out from these…?
The Company Is Not Your Friend
I’ve heard a lot of studios describe themselves as ‘families’, and some studios do treat their people well (see ‘pragmatic reasons why you’d want to do that as a business’, above). But families fundamentally care about the people they are. Imagine your mum throwing her hands up in front of a spreadsheet and saying, ‘I’m afraid we have to let you go, dear. It’s just the...
Keep your eyes peeled for a few other smol announcements in the near future. See you, space cultists.
I leave you with news that I’m trialling some themes in our monthly newsletter. This month’s theme, being cold and grey and miserable, is love. So if you fancy a quiz which’ll definitively, scientifically tell you whom you should romance next in Cultist Simulator… make sure you’re signed up.
“What are your influences?”
This is probably the question I’ve been asked most over the years, and every time as soon as I answer it I think of someone
State of the Factory: Year 2
Thanks for reading to the end! I hope it’s been useful. And if you’ve stayed with us through the rough times, we really appreciate it, both of us. A heartfelt thank you. It’s probably meant more this year than any time before or since.
Next sprint – DUESSA – is the last two weeks on BOOK OF HOURS prototyping before we move onto to something rather exciting that we haven’t publicly announced. There’s a bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes in this early, fluid pre-production period that we can’t talk about yet, but… I’m actually excited about it, and this is my LIFE. So I think you will...