Author: Alexis Kennedy

7th September 2016
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Anyone who has ever considered writing for a living will have heard Opinions about the Passive Voice.

3rd September 2016
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Why you should back the AdventureX Kickstarter

Oh, man, I love starting blog posts with a bit of arrant poncery. Buckle up. This is the opening to an Isaiah Berlin essay. (I originally wrote ‘an Irving Berling essay’, but fortunately corrected it before I exposed myself to lasting Internet ridicule.)

31st August 2016
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Get a Cat, or, Why More Content Won’t Save Your Game

[Note: I was creative director and lead writer on Sunless Sea, but I’ve left Failbetter and I can’t speak to my old muckers’ future plans.]

27th August 2016
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Seven Things About Writing For Stellaris

That Iain Banks quote  – ‘the unlimited special effects budget [that] written SF hands a writer’. Man, I’ve never felt that so keenly. I keep being, like, is it okay if I blow that up? and the Paradox guys are all, sure, put a black hole in while you’re at it.

21st August 2016
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The other post about No Man’s Sky

I don’t want to get into any kind of Twitter argument. I do want to say some things that might calm you down, or suggest another perspective, if you’re not already too angry to read. That’s what this post is about.

15th August 2016
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Cultist Simulator: Zero Dot One Dot Two

I’ve patched Cultist Simulator! These are the headlines:

12th August 2016
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What I’ve been up to, Friday 12th August: STARSHIPS

Earlier this week, I launched a Javascript prototype of Cultist Simulator. I hesitate to describe it as a ‘game’ – it’s really only a proof-of-concept of one, temporarily living on the web

3rd August 2016
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Cultist Simulator: recipes and bumping brains

This is a post about the Cultist Simulator systems, and also why you shouldn’t stay too deep in a bunker when you’re working enthusiastically on an idea.

29th July 2016
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Putting the Open in Open Production: what I’ve been doing, 29th July

Someone asked me on Twitter if I could share the task list for Cultist Simulator.

26th July 2016
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Cultist Simulator: “There is not only one history”

I said last week that I wanted to get a Javascript prototype of Cultist Simulator -my weird-fiction-influenced narrative crafting semi-idlegame experiment -up on the web as soon as poss.

13th July 2016
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Cultist Simulator: Making Things Out of Other Things

This is devlog zero for Cultist Simulator. It’s not an announcement or anything: it won’t get any press cos everyone’s off at Develop, and, man, I don’t want press on the screenie below anyway

8th July 2016
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What I’ve been up to: 8th July

Just before I left Failbetter, our editor, who’d been a long-time freelancer before she joined Failbetter, cautioned me about the freelancer’s disease.

1st July 2016
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What I’ve been up to: 1st July

I feel like I’ve spent most of this week – like the rest of my Twitter bubble – gawping incredulously at the collapse of the British political landscape into a sort of sinkhole of xenophobic narcissism. If you need a roundup, Michael Gove has one for you below.

28th June 2016
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Haunted craters, mobile development, ginger + lime

I’m at Pocket Gamer Connect Vancouver, and out of long Failbetter habit I was dutifully going to write up a blog post about it;

28th June 2016
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Ten Lessons from running Failbetter

” For an indie dev, your community is essential. They’re your evangelists, your early warning system, your Baker Street Irregulars, your Praetorian Guard…. but you have to look beyond them, too.”

25th June 2016
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What I’m up to: 25th June

This is the first time I’ve been out of full time employment in seven years. I meant to relax and do nothing.

22nd June 2016
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“The Healing Question”

Earlier this week, [a carefully unspecified number of] players completed the Seeking Mr Eaten’s Name quest line, an epic and long-awaited storyline in Fallen London which ends with the player character’s deliberate self-destruction.

20th June 2016
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Coding again: old dog, old tricks

My worst-kept secret is that my favourite MLP:FIM character is Pinkie Pie.
