15th August 2019|
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The BOOK OF HOURS countdown calendar

I’ll update this calendar every day once we’re live with the Daily Thing, but follow our channels for live updates! If you want BOOK OF HOURS to do well at Kickstarter, please also consider sharing ’em with your followers and communities. The better the KS goes, the better BOOK OF HOURS will be! Probably!

9th August 2019|
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Have a lovely weekend, Believers! I need to come up with a comparable term to do with libraries…

1st August 2019|
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Cultist Simulator Update: Version 2019.8.a.1

It’s time for some updates to some of the cheeky bug boys that thought they could chill in the game.

26th July 2019|
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Anyway, it’s hot and nobody’s had any sleep, so I’m off to wuzz the cats. Happy weekend, everyone, and can’t wait to hear what you think of the BoH pitch next week!

24th July 2019|
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How much time do I have left?

Should I work on that game rather than on 10 other ones I want? Each decision you make reduces your life battery charge. How many more moves can you make?

22nd July 2019|
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BOOK OF HOURS: Where Knowledge Goes

…and next time, I’ll talk about not just about Knowledge and Skills but also about Thoughts and Beliefs, and how in BOOK OF HOURS you can make and shape them.

17th July 2019|
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Twitch Prime Cultist Simulator Bug Update

The game should be fixed and you may continue whatever nefarious pursuits were underway in your Cultist Simulator ascent!

15th July 2019|
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Develop 2019, awards, eldritch noms and hello Canada.

Some more meetings/interviews occured, games were checked out and a very important ice cream reprieve was had before the preparation process for what was to come.

21st June 2019|
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I don’t hate social media…

Social media has now become a vital organ in promoting video games. It’s top of the list of what you need to set up, keep active and learn how to properly use. I appreciate its value, I love the variety of content, the way it can help people and I enjoyed every Game of Thrones Season 8 meme more than most of the episodes. We are...

19th June 2019|
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NERDPOST: Content Frameworks in Cultist Simulator and Book of Hours

This is probably interesting to about 2% of the already select audience of this blog. Sorry, everyone else! But for those who are interested, this is from a Slack discussion about how the content framework in Book of Hours (which we’re calling ‘Vak’) looks like it’ll differently from the content framework in Cultist Simulator (retrospectively called ‘Fucine).

17th June 2019|
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Cultist Simulator mobile: the all-singing, all-dancing data dump

I intend to experiment further with other platforms, but have no official news on the subject right now! Let me know your thoughts on our data above, and if you have any additional numbers you’d like to see. Hope our figures prove useful for devs considering mobile porting themselves. 🙂

7th June 2019|
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A month full of pride

Finally, I hope you can find time to spare some empathy for me as I fully intend to send myself into a diabetic coma inhaling all the rainbow themed food I can get my hands on! I’M COMING HOME LAWD!

31st May 2019|
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Anyway, this post has gone on long enough. Next sprint, a MYSTERIOUS FIGURE arrives at Weather Factory’s doorstep at the start, and I go home for my mum’s birthday at the end. It’s like a Harry Potter novel, if Harry were called Lottie and wasn’t magic.

24th May 2019|
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Cultist Capping: The True Power of a Leader

With that, you’ve all learned some valuable lessons about what truly matters when you endeavour to form and lead a cult. You don’t need to thank us!

17th May 2019|
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JEKYLL has been all about our upcoming launch on

10th May 2019|
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Queen Meadhbh: She wants your cows!

Meadhbh didn’t just want to be Queen, she wanted to be wholly equal and that also meant in terms of wealth.

9th May 2019|
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Cultist Simulator Updates/Fixes for May: Research makeover!

Finally, you might have noticed that both Skills and HQs are involved in the research mechanic, because this change is what we were leading up to. So high-end Reason and Passion skills now finally have a proper use, and swapping HQs is now a lot more than just flavour.

3rd May 2019|
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Another biggie this sprint has been Claire announcing release dates! Cultist hits its first year anniversary at the end of May, so we’re releasing a conglomeration of all content + soundtrack that we’re calling the Anthology Edition. This’ll launch along with (probably) the Priest and Ghoul DLC on
