Category: Art
Meet Travelling‘s skills and the all-important character screen.
Light and Shade
An art-centric update on Travelling, including new UI, new NPCs and more.
Light Is Always The Answer
The Lucid Tarot launches, and we talk a bit about the future…
The Ivory Dawn
“The wisp begins to wriggle, pulling away from the heat…”
The Big Ones and the Little Ones
HOUSE OF LIGHT’s coming on 26th September! And a bit about how pie makes AK depressed.
What will you do with Thirza’s Knife?
A deep-dive in HOUSE OF LIGHT design, new Notebooks of the Hours, and more.
Knot-Cake and Soused Mackerel
“This is a pumpkin. Marvellous.”
The New Church
Maladies, beta, and something stirring on the horizon…
The Change and the Longing
A mega BOOK OF HOURS update to close out the year. Wes Anderson! Criminals! KENNINGS!
“Hath each Star, its Seven Names. Observe that these Names are Never Shared.”
Rags + Thread = Bandages, and a night-scene of Hush House
“She brought them to Brancrug Isle…”
Announcing the Mysterious Package Company x Lady Afterwards edition, and a big BOOK OF HOURS update on Brancrug village.
The Ragged Crossroads
Update on BOOK OF HOURS and the full Major Arcana of the Lucid Tarot .
Hush House begins to LIVE. Also, we announced a new tarot deck: a stained-glass, see-through PVC deck.
March #2: FOLIO
Ongoing BoH dev and Skeleton Songs episode 3.
February #2: DAR AL-‘ILM
Ongoing BoH dev. Our February newsletter goes out.
The Explorer’s Build: Expeditions Preview
….or, if you don’t have access to development builds from the Kickstarter or the early-purchase Perpetual Edition, wishlist here
“Can you pop the ants back in – or, possibly, add subtle insectoid elements to her? She already now looks slightly ant-like, with the multiple angular arms – I don’t know if this is deliberate or serendipitous.”