Author: Alexis Kennedy
Matthias and the Amethyst Imago
I had a nasty moment this morning where a key on my keyboard got gunged up and for a moment the entire ULTIST SIMULATOR project was in jeopardy. All good now.
One True Seven Blind
“What are prophecies? Don’t we hear them every day of the week? And if one comes true there may be seven blind and come to nothing.” – Isabella Augusta Persse
October Dawn
That’s it! the Cultist Simulator Kickstarter is complete with eighty-two thousand and thirty three pounds at the top of the page, and four thousand seven hundred and eighty eight backers. I thought this would do okay, but it’s done a hell of a lot better than okay.
Ask Me Everything
Please drop by on Friday 29th Sept 2017 at 7pm UK time, 2pm Eastern time, midnight Vostok Station Antarctic Time. Here I am.
The Accumulation of Oracles
“I will answer one question about the lore of any game I’ve worked on, including this one, as long as it’s not NDA-protected. The question must be asked on or before March 21st, 2021.”
“Fucine was spoken in the dry country. It is the language of witches. It shares words with High Aeolic.”
Addendum excised from Sir William Colt Hoare’s Hints to Travellers in Italy, 1815.
Blood, Roads, Memory
A backer messaged me with a bunch of good questions, so I thought I’d share the answers more widely.
“Theresa Galmier wrote to a dear friend describing, elliptically, her experiences in the port of Noon.”
“Theresa Galmier wrote to a dear friend describing, elliptically, her experiences in the port of Noon.”
“Around 1890, in the Third History, the Crowned Growth could be perceived through the White Door.”
Oriflamme’s, Lot 5, Auction 5th May ’57. Fragments of the notebooks of ‘Parsival’, recovered from the wreck of Mr Strathcoyne’s private library. Extensive fire-damage, reconstructed in part.
The Juniper and the Crown
Most everyone who cares knows, but I thought I should recognise it formally here: Cultist Simulator was funded in a smidge over twelve hours.
Cultist Simulator: Kicksmass Eve
Hi, my name’s Alexis, it’s been an energetic week.
The Cultist and the Terminator
So to sum up my point, if your marketing looks super cheap and your game has a joke name, it’ll be as successful as the original Terminator. No wait, that wasn’t my point. I’ve lost the thread.
Fanworks: Illopoly, Galmier and Coseley: an analysis
“Even the Sunne can be divided, though it require the Forge of Dayes for its division.”
Share this, and the Moth will remember you.
If you’d like to see more of the Hours, there’s a Kickstarter for Cultist Simulator coming in September. Please lend your social media powers to the cause here: