Category: Business

28th June 2016
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Haunted craters, mobile development, ginger + lime

I’m at Pocket Gamer Connect Vancouver, and out of long Failbetter habit I was dutifully going to write up a blog post about it;

28th June 2016
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Ten Lessons from running Failbetter

” For an indie dev, your community is essential. They’re your evangelists, your early warning system, your Baker Street Irregulars, your Praetorian Guard…. but you have to look beyond them, too.”

25th June 2016
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What I’m up to: 25th June

This is the first time I’ve been out of full time employment in seven years. I meant to relax and do nothing.

20th June 2016
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Coding again: old dog, old tricks

My worst-kept secret is that my favourite MLP:FIM character is Pinkie Pie.

17th June 2016
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Why the hell I would ever leave Failbetter

If you’ve heard of me, you probably know me as ‘the guy who runs Failbetter’.
