Author: Claire Sharkey
In which Weather Factory invents the 3rd Dimension
“2D thing in a 3D world” has shown itself to be a repeated theme in all kinds of decisions I’ve had to go through for BOOK OF HOURS. It’s even managed to squeeze its way into discussions around shaders and art direction, but that’s straying into territories I’d rather cover in another post.
Splash Damage – Women in Games Event
Thank you again Splash Damage for hosting this and for the million bottles of prosecco. BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE PROSECCO!
Marketing Hot take: The value of community.
The merits of community to the success of any art project – especially in the indie space – are obvious. This post is meant for anyone that would like some general insight into what I believe are the intentions needed when creating a community for your game. I apologise in advance for how many times I say “community”. I’d replace that with “cults” but we don’t...