Light Is Always The Answer

“Chitinous cities embrace the Change, or struggle against plagues of leaf and amber…”


We’ve been a bit quiet recently, but we haven’t been idle! Today is a long-awaited LAUNCH DAY, but it’s also a good time to update everyone on what we’ve been up to. First up:


✨ The Lucid Tarot is out now! ✨


The first 500 decks of the Lucid Tarot are now available on the Etsy shop. They’re unique collectors’ decks because they come with a signed certificate of authenticity along with their embroidered velvet tarot bag and quick start guide to reading the cards. If you’d like one, get in quick! We expect them to go pretty fast.

To remind you, these cards are a reimagining of Secret Histories lore (you’ll see Hours represented in new ways to highlight parts of them we didn’t foreground in the Tarot of the Hours, e.g.) and inspired by the otherworldly beauty of stained-glass windows. The Major Arcana features all Hours from the Moth to the enigmatic twenty-first Hour sometimes called ‘Giribrago’, but with traditional Rider-Waite names (‘The Fool’; ‘The World’) rather than their Secret Histories counterparts.

I’ve also tried to reflect the Rider-Waite symbology more clearly in the Minor Arcana, but with familiar skills and companions from BOOK OF HOURS. You’ll find Arun Peel the Knight of Pentacles, for instance, or Wolf Stories the Seven of Swords. I hope this adds new meaning on top of the gorgeously rich Rider-Waite deck, as well as giving you a good game of Hey, I Recognise That Thing From Somewhere Else! Anyway, I’m very happy where it’s all ended up, especially considering how derpy some of the original drawings are:


Forgive me, Elegiast.


If anyone misses out on a deck, don’t worry. We’ll be relisting another batch of ~400+ tarots this year, as soon as we can facilitate it. Christmas is coming, after all. I just need time to manage the backlog of orders. I don’t think I could ship 1,000 decks without turning into A Poor Lunatic.

Thank you extremely much for being patient with me while this project went on and on and on. If I make another deck for Game Three, maybe I won’t try to engineer an entirely new way to make cards before I can distribute them? Just a thought, Lottie. Just a thought.



A voice from the other side

AK here. It still tickles me how few people realise Weather Factory is literally just two people (plus, ofc, trusted freelancers). I answer support emails every week addressed to ‘Dear Support Team’. We get speculative applications from people who want to intern with us and don’t realise we work out of a flat. Microstudios composed of couples are more common than they used to be, but it’s still mildly unusual. We like it, but it does make it harder to take holidays, and it does mean we don’t hire.

I mentioned recently that we’ve been working on BOOK OF HOURS, on and off, for five years now. Some of that was pre-production, some of that was the HOUSE OF LIGHT expansion, but it’s a long old time. A undergraduate degree and a master’s degree. A newborn infant grown enough to go to school. If you planted an apple pip five years ago, you could be eating its fruit today.

Or to put it another way, I was 47 when we started making BH and I’m 52 now. And it occurred to me that I’ve made about four games over fifteen years, and in another fifteen years I’ll be 67. So Lottie and I had a chat about whether and how we want to spend the next fifteen years doing this – both making games, and making games as a microstudio with just the two of us.

If you like our games, you’ll be glad to hear that the answer is, broadly speaking, yes. Maybe we’ll do more physical goods, maybe I’ll take a couple of years out for that MA I keep threatening, but we like working together and we like the artisanal nature of the whole thing. I don’t actually get up on a Monday and think, yay, support mails, Lottie doesn’t get excited about answering Etsy merch queries, but we do like handling this stuff personally: the people who own the company and make the games are the same people you’re talking to. It also stops us from getting too up ourselves.

We’ve talked about Weather Factory being a bit like a band or an artistic partnership but most days it feels more like a family-run cafe that happens to sell coffee through Steam.

And we like making things for you lot – for our audience, I mean. I said as long ago as Fallen London that there is something to be said for making games that work like reading comprehension tests. It brings in a calmer class of customer.

We’ve got ideas, then, for at least another couple of games before we turn in our Dev Guild hat feathers and go off to roast coffee in the hills. Over to Lottie to talk about the next one.



What now? 

We’re still working on BOOK OF HOURS localisation (in case you missed it, HOUSE OF LIGHT’s now fully playable in Simplified Chinese) and various important but not terribly scintillating tech and bug support issues. But as AK says above, we took some time to take stock of where the studio is and what we want to do next. We’ve decided that, while we might come back to BOOK OF HOURS later, we’ve said what we wanted to say with it through HOUSE OF LIGHT. We’d like to leave it there – for now.

Currently, we’re Fascinated by an idea for Game Three. We’ve spent some of the past couple of months prototyping the underlying tech system and art direction so we can share something that’s reasonably likely to look like the final game. We need to do a bit more work before we can announce, but here are some tidbits we can share:

      • The game is set in the Secret Histories… but another decade on. The world has changed and keeps on changing.
      • It may appeal to AK’s older audiences – from Fallen London and Sunless Sea – as well as Weather Factory fans.
      • It’s a new genre we haven’t developed before. It’s a natural fit for the kind of stuff we do, though.
      • It’s ambitious. And…
      • …who’s this?


9 comments on Light Is Always The Answer
  1. Dear Support Team; very dear to my inner child, very informative in the oddest of ways, very supportive of my need to play strange games over and over that I might find all the secrets. Also of the support I have requested. It is a grand team that you are. Should I still be amongst the cognizant, it is fair to say, I will play anything you produce. Thank you both.

  2. Fallen London and Sunless Sea? Oh, it’s a 4X game! You build railways out to the stars to settle more colonies. Or, wait, an automation game! Surely I’m not the only one who’s wanted to run a conveyor belt from my store of Reason to Glover & Glover so I automatically do clerical work?

    Haha, just kidding…(unless…)

    Well, whatever happens, I bet I’ll probably enjoy it, so you lot at Weather Factory get a thumbs up 👍 from me. Happy Halloween!

  3. Oh my, is it a survival exploration game on distant shores? Ys, perhaps???

    I love this game, and I love CS, and I love Sunless Skies (tho, it took me awhile to realize that one was AK’s work, too). They’re beautiful. You’re beautiful. What will come will be beautiful.

  4. The Chandler Match-3 wasn’t my favourite out of the prototypes, but I trust your judgement and am excited to see where you take it.

  5. A spider council of spiders made of….

    Thank you both so so much for all the mystery, intriuge and glimpses of worlds beyond. I still wonder what that Intimation was in Fallen london long ago.

    Are you doing something like running a spy network, intercepting missives?

  6. The color scheme of Edge and lower lashes – is the person in the picture the Exile? Or perhaps a member of the Reckoners, one of Duffoure’s other children? Regardless, I really like that about it.

  7. Holy smokes! The entire stock’s already diminished in a day! Well hope I catch it the next time it rolls around, you peeps do a great job here.

on Light Is Always The Answer

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